Religion or Discipleship by Nick Davis
“As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee,
he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were
fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of
men.”At once they left their nets and followed him.” (Mark 1:16–18)
To paraphrase David Bosch, the disciples of
Jesus - called as firstfruits to us all - stand in stark difference to the
disciples of the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law
THE CHOICE.............The religious
student chose his own teacher; but Jesus chose his disciples. We have not
enrolled, but been enrolled. This is not a career move but the Call of God.
THE FOCUS...............The religious
student enrolled to study the Torah – the law of God; Christ’s disciples are
enrolled to study Him. He is the Word of God, the radiance of the Father.
THE RELATIONSHIP....The religious student
was only a student; Christ’s disciples are his servants too. They serve with
Christ, even as He serves the Father’s will. Students become lecturers,
servants become friends.
THE MOTIVE..............The religious
student enrolled to be trained, so he could get a chief seat; Christ’s
disciples always remain his students, and being discipled by God is their
destiny. Only Christ enjoys elevation.
THE HALLMARK.........The religious student
can boast in his teacher; Christ’s disciples boast in the Lord. We also learn
from Christ through community; we are not “of Paul, Cephas, Apollos”. No man
hallmarks us.
THE PURPOSE............The religious
student learns the Law to be able to teach others and preserve Judaism and her
ethos; Christ disciples learn from Him to enjoy God and proclaim his kingdom to
the world.
THE TIME FRAME.......The religious student
learns from the past and preserves this knowledge in the present; Christ’s
disciples learn from Him and lean into the future. The knowledge of God will
keep increasing until His appearing.
So, religion today would include:
being in charge more than responding to God
being a student of the Bible more than one
who studies God (knowledge)
being a learner but not a servant
being a means to an end, not making Christ
the Worthy End (worship)
being known as disciples of a system or
teacher, more than disciples of Christ (sonship)
preserving Christianity more than
propagating it. (purpose)
being a conservative in the present day
rather than a progressive for the future kingdom (relevance)